
Why increase the Water Scarcity? | What is Water Scarcity ?

Why increase the Water Scarcity?

Decrease the amount of water to create drought
Why increase the Water Scarcity?
               Now a days water scarcity is the most problem in around the World. 

Reasons For Increase the water Scarcity 

→ Widely Use Ground Water
      Most of the people use in ground water . So the ground water level is go down at alarming rate. Due to low ground water level the sea water has mixed in ground water due to soil seepage.
      So most of the ground water has cannot to use in Domestic purpose.

        Cut the trees and build houses in forest that reason has wild animals has come into the Living places. Sthe wild animals attack the humans or sometimes humans are attack the animals.
   Due to deforestation amount of Co2 has increase in atmosphere. It creates the air pollution . Due to air pollution rain has changed into the acid rain. Due to acid rain skin infection , alargey and etc.

Cover the Ground Surface & Decrease the water run surface
      In cities cover the ground surface using cement or etc. So the seepage amount of the water has been reduced . So it reduce the ground water level.
  Olden days water has ran and store into tank. Due to drought the tanks are can't maintain continuously. Due to development of cities that tank ares has build in apartment and etc. But sometimes heavy rain has create flood in that areas.

Waste of water
          Most of the water use in domestic purpose. After using that water has fall in the open channel . Collection of sewage has mixed into the sea . It create water pollution in sea due to improper water the sea animals and plants are died.

→Sand theft in Rivers

       In any  building construction very important need is river sand. Now a days use the M-sand it is alternate  for river sand. But build important structures need river sand. So the rate of river sand has going at top.  
  It create the scarcity of river sand . The Government has allowed in limited depth of river sand has used only . But the sand mafias has digging the river sand at reach the rock in the ground surface. So it creates Soil erossion & more amount of water has been observed by soil.

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